my bickerings and banterings

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thomas and Pei's Wedding

Last night, I went to a wedding while the mister stayed home to take care of some things. Originally, B was going to stay home with the little one, but Auntie missed him a little I guess, so she offered to watch Mr. P. It's so great to live down the street from relatives, especially when they're so helpful! If we move out of town, we'd be very homesick, considering all of P's grandparents live in town too. It might be inevitable in the long run though.

Back to the wedding. This couple has been together for seven years. Congrats to them! I had a grand ol' time, talking up a storm with new and old friends alike. I haven't had that much fun at a wedding in awhile. The last wedding I went to was, um, mine? The weddings I went to before our wedding were mostly for Bill's friends. So this was quite rare for me, considering most of my friends are about my age and not nearing marriage anytime soon. Going stag to this wedding brought me back to my bachelorette days - how I could drop things and do whatever the heck I wanted whenever I wanted. I felt nostalgic a tiny tiny bit. But the bottom line is I'm very content with where I am now - I mean, how can you want your past life when you got a wonderful, loving family waiting to see you every moment you're away from them? My heart flutters just at the thought of it.

OK, so here's some eye candy I promised! Not with the badass camera this time because they don't make ones that fit in a clutch yet - but when they do, holla!



Blogger Nosmo King said...

you've got a great post-bebe body ... i'm jealous!

January 24, 2008 at 10:26 AM  

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