Sophia and Calvin Part I: Sophia's bridal shower
Sophia and Calvin's wedding was by far one of the most unique, colorful, and long weddings I've ever been a part of and attended. It consisted of four parts: the traditional Chinese tea ceremony (which took place the day before the long day and which only consisted of immediate family so I wasn't there), the morning Cambodian traditional ceremony, the church ceremony, and the reception. Imagine experiencing/planning a week-long wedding, as I've heard some cultures do (i.e. Indian weddings). Indian weddings are probably the most elaborate and expensive weddings I've ever heard of. They actually need sponsors! I'm going to my first one in August and another in Sept, so expect to see some eye candy from those too!

^^Table set and ready to surprise the bride upon her arrival. I am constantly impressed by what ideas/decor people can come up with and find. I suck at party decor! I just copycat stuff I like that I see at other people's harm in that, right? (Or I just use my trusty party-decorated n0smoking, of course.)

^^Bundt cake made from scratch! Impressive. Made by the maid of honor (bride's sister).

^^The bridesmaids.

^^Surprise! (Well, more like "Wow, it looks so nice!" because she already knew about it, but didn't know where and who.)

^^The cute balloon.

^^Bride and guests.

^^Bride and moi.
Labels: wedding
sophia is such a pretty little lady ... anyhoo ... guess what? i may be going to those two same indian weddings that you're going to ... linda asked me to be her date to neil/anita's wedding ... and loan just called and asked for my addy so she can send me an invite to her and neil's thing ... i still think it's funny that there are two indian neil's ... how frackin unoriginal! haha ...
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