my bickerings and banterings

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ah, the pure bliss of health.

I say that because I got my first case of food poisoning and/or stomach flu yesterday! thing I can tell you without going into TMI mode was that it was g-g-grosss. Maybe that's TMI right there..haha. Good thing I didn't get a fever though or it could've been pret-ty bad. I called in late to work and did go in anyway thinking my system was cleared by the afternoon, but it wasn't. I still have cramps today so I called in sick since I didn't wanna take any chances of doing disappearing acts while on the job.

I had no idea what I ate that caused it because hubby and baby didn't eat anything different from me and they were fine. I had next to no appetite (from nausea) and was too scared to eat anything that would mess up my digestive tract. But needless to say, I'm back to my good ol' diet - the eat-as-much-as-I-can-til-I-have-heartburn-again diet. I'm more careful not to eat old food or stuff that would be hard to digest though. Sigh, how wonderful being healthy and preggerz is - can't take it for granted anymore! I thought I was invincible since I've never gotten morning sickness or any complications during pregnancy. And not to worry, having a day or two of such digestive issues with full recovery afterward doesn't affect the fetus. Supposedly, that thing can survive off a few days or so off the remnants of nutrition that is in the mama's body already. I was really wondering if the constant strong kicks and movement from him was from him being mad at me for not eating. I don't blame him because I get pretty darn angry when I'm hungry too.

Glad that's over!


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