Family-ar: I get it now, Mom.
What is your relationship with your mother? Is it the same or different after having children of your own? If you don't have children yet, do you notice your relationship has grown over the years or has it dwindled away?
I have to say that with children of my own, I let things slide readily when it comes to my mother. We had this love/hate thing going on, but the hate part just comes up amongst our love. What child doesn't go through that for a bit with their parents at some point(s) in their life? My theory is why add more unnecessary stress unto myself when there is plenty of stress instilled by my own kiddos already. As I become older and my mothering becomes more of who I am, I appreciate my mother even more.
This life-changing bond and my understanding of my mother (and mother-in-law) has dramatically solidified. Their hardships and what went through their minds every decision and step they made while raising children seems that much more significant. I feel so fortunate to be so close (distance-wise too) to my children's grandmothers these days.

^^Mom-in-law with R, 10 mo

^^Mom-in-law with P, 1.5 yo

^^Mom with R, 6 mo

^^Mom with P, 2.5 yo
sweet. i think its awesome that your relationship with your mom (and mom-in-law) has improved with time and motherhood. =)
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