Milestones update
I've only had one milestone entry, but I need to start doing them more often as I've stated. The things the kiddos say and do day in and day out never fail to amaze me or make me crack the heck up.
Mommy: Are you gonna eat that so you can grow muscles and be big like Daddy?
P: Yeah, I'm gonna eat it but I'mma be SUPERMAN!
R (trying ever so hard to fold one of his t-shirts from the laundry): Mummy, mummy, look dis! Ova hea! Lookit! (shapes the shirt into a nice little scrunched up ball)
M: Oh, good job, R! Thank you.
R: Tank you, Mummy.
M: No, you're supposed to say you're welcome. Mommy said thank you.
R: Mummy say tank you?
M: Yeah, thank you, R. Now what do you say?
R: You say!
M: You say you're welcome.
R: Tank you!
M: OK, nevermind. Good job, R.
R: Goot jop, Mummy. (giggle)
(On the way home from picking them up from school, I gave them some snacks in the car.)
P: R, can I have some popcorn?
R: Copcorn? Chip, please! (Yes, he says popcorn as copcorn.)
P: You want some chips? OK, here ya go.
R: Tank you.
P: You're welcome, R! Can I have two more pieces of popcorn?
R: Two copcorn? Here go!
P: Thank you, R!
(Ah, how I love it when they get along. They fight so often, I can almost count the times they get along!)
M: Did you eat all your food I packed for school today?
P: Yeah! I ate it all. I cut open bags with scissors!
M: Aren't you a big boy!
P: Yeah, I'm a big boy and I'm good. I shared my snacks, too.
M: Did you? Did your friends give you snacks, too?
P: No, I shared my snack.
M: I thought you said you ate all your food though.
P: I did! I eat all my other food!

^^Can't ever forget to brush. =)

^^Doing what he does best - eating! And ice cream at that. (He doesn't get it that often!)

^^A classic.

^^Yes, I have to do that to their hair almost every bath. Hehe.

^^I love his expression here..haha!

^^Spitting image of..guess who?

^^Passed out after a productive play date. 2 points for Mommy!

^^On the new bike trailer. Needless to say, they LOVE it, including Daddy.

^^All bundled up. Cheekssss!!

^^All bundled up. Cheeeeese!!

^^Their new froggy sets their auntie gave them for Christmas!

^^Gamerz FTW. (Actually, they're trying to play but can't. I can already see the gaming addiction starting though. Mama gotta regulate!)

^^The luckiest kid I know. At D&B, there are three of these big wheels, where two of them were being occupied by various people trying to win the 500 ticket jackpot. Well, this little guy mosies on up to the unoccupied one and scores the jackpot on his FIRST try! That's mah boy. I guess it's not safe to say I should bring him around with me to the black jack tables as a good luck charm. =P

^^Typical weekend with la familia.
Hi Kim!! I love this blog entry!! I love your kids' little quotes and pictures that go along with their milestones. =) Good to see you this past weekend!! See you again soon! Let me know if you and Bill would like to have a date night, I'd like to help out with the kids as late bday gifts for you and Bill!
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