my bickerings and banterings

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Late night update

Can't believe over a month has gone by since B has left. Things have been going a lot smoother than I expected, thanks to close friends and family. Without them, I would be a nightmare to be around and a train wreck myself. Without having to make excuses, it does get crazy. I miss being at home, with a schedule, and knowing what to expect throughout the day, but there is some comfort and even entertainment out of seeing the boys having so much fun with the people around them everyday, different people everyday. I'm exhausted as well as they are.

I miss daddy, of course, but I wonder if the kids do. I'm sure they are aware of his absence. They talk to him on the phone. If the webcam or phone rings, they think it's him. If I give them the phone to talk to, they talk to it like it's him on the other end, even if it's grandma or auntie or whoever. Very endearing.

The "baby" is growing right before my eyes right along with big brother. Baby R talks up a storm, conjuring up words and repeating all we say as best he could. His walking hasn't improved by much; he's still walking like a drunk..haha..but definitely not falling as much. As for big bro, he has quite a mouth on him and repeats us exactly, with the exact tone and all. So yes, we have to be careful what we say around him! They can't be anymore opposite. R is the laid-back, observant, quiet one, and eats and sleeps like no other! P is the high-strung, easily-frustrated, talkative one, and doesn't eat or sleep like no other! But they play and fight like the best of brothers. Very endearing.

Good night all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Kim!! Glad to hear things are going ok. Hang in there a few more months! Is Bill able to visit at all during the four months?

April 29, 2010 at 11:16 PM  
Blogger AntsyMama said...

hiya hanh..Thanks! Bill can visit but it is hard for him to get time off, so therefore, we agreed that he shouldn't come visit bc it's such a long drive (6.5 hrs) and he only has sat/sun off.

May 5, 2010 at 10:18 PM  
Blogger Julia Nguyen said...

Hey woman! Four months sounds like torture! Anyway, glad you're enjoying the blog! I'll be checking in on yours as well. Take care, sweetie.

May 20, 2010 at 5:06 AM  

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