Babies No More
As much as my kids will be my babies always and forever, I have to face the fact that they no longer are babies. They are little people, small extensions of us, and growing up and even grown up at times! To put it plainly, they literally are little men. They have been saying and doing the most laugh-inducing things. Their little toddler voices never seem to bore me.
Let me think back just this past week for example.
P: (about to have cereal for breakfast) Mommy, I'm gonna drink all my milk so I can be strong and beat up Daddy! Baby not strong, he didn't finish his milk. Look, Mommy!
...I guess it's time we stopped encouraging him to drink milk by saying he can beat Daddy up.
R: (about to fall asleep in his bed as I'm walking out of their room) Mummy, mummy? Air air youuuu? Mummy? Air you?
...I love how he can't speak clearly yet. He's trying to say "Where are you?" I'm going to cherish this part of his life forever!
P: (in the morning, missed the toilet while standing to pee while I'm brushing my teeth in the next room) Mommy, I pee on da floor! Help me! I can't reach the light..can't see the toilet!
...Of course, I wasn't a happy camper when I heard the first statement, but choked on my toothpaste from laughter when I heard the last statement. I told him to get me before peeing to turn the light on for him. I love how kids are so particular about everything. You don't think of the little steps in everyday tasks until you raise a kid!
R: (reading his bedtime book) Ah, eh, oh, ah(abcd).. appo(apple).. frok hop hop(frog).. rabby hop(rabbit).. grrr(for lion).. yeow yeow(for cat).. dah wof wof (dog).. book.. cow moo.. hat.. pow(pillow).. kank kank(blanket).. pik onk onk(pig oink oink).
...And he went on like this through all 10 pages! Ah, no matter his age and how many kids his age who can say or recognize more, I will always think of him as my little genius. Not saying P isn't a smarty, but he's more like a smart alec!
Ack, love it! I should blog on a daily basis their little milestones and funny sayings. I can come back to these one day and we'll all crack up together. I wish I can film it all too though, but of course all the good stuff always happens when I don't have it on.
And boy, can they fight. But let's leave that for another day.

(^^These pics were taken on our little vacay to Cali. Update for that coming soon!)
so cute! r looks so much older now! you should have told p that r was on his TENTH bowl of milk ... haha ... anyways ... to comment back on the comment u left on my page ... i think the world is def a lot smaller for u ... u know EVERYONE ... and if u don't know them ... then ur dad does ... haha!
LOL, I love hearing your stories! Adventures in Parenting!!! <3
awwww. i think the one with preston peeing on the floor is hilarious. yes, record their funny (and not so funny) moments more often (whether via blog or film or photo) i know one day you'll crack up hysterically at all the things they do (or used to do).
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