my bickerings and banterings

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post Ike-saster

It's sad how power has not been restored to so many people who lost it during Hurricane Ike. But I agree whole-heartedly with a caller who phoned the radio with comments, when it comes down to it, having no power is an inconvenience, not a travesty. Many of the middle class who have been affected by this are scrounging around to find ways to preserve their food, to find water, to fill up gas, even finding a laundromat, due to not having power and/or running water. And difficulty finding a stocked grocery store and gas station makes it even more inconvenient. So yes, we are going through some tough times, but I really can't complain because we were blessed. We definitely were not nearly as damaged as New Orleans, that's for sure. We're only going through a fraction of what Katrina and Rita victims went through and still recovering from.

We got power back last Thursday, thank goodness! We were out since the storm hit early Saturday morning. It was quite interesting (but definitely not fun) dealing with the heat/humidity during the day and being in pitch black at night. We slept early, woke up early, and gave 95% of our attention to little booger P, who thoroughly enjoyed himself the entire time probably wondering what has suddenly sparked such attention showering. We drove around to see what commotion was sparked, which wasn't much, except a lot of debris and 100% power outtages in a 10 mi radius around us. Needless to say, we, along with the majority of the Houston population, were bored and just wanted to get out. To start off the week, we camped out at places that had electricity until ours came back on. We were lucky enough to even have such conveniences. We cleaned out our fridge a couple of days after power went out, throwing out moldy stuff, and managing to save the thawed frozen foods by putting it into my parent's fridge, which was running on generator.

Well, time to get back to blogging again now that we got power back! Hooah!


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