THE Intro
Disregard my last sickeningly depressing blog. It has been over two months since the arrival of my second. I went MIA while prego because handling a toddler while in the last trimester just ain't fun and games. Then after the babester arrived, I just had to get over the shock and stress of being a mom of two and facing the fact that I really do need to be there for them (so I've decided to be a SAHM for a while after I turn in my notice of leave at work, which I'm going back to for about a bit). Things are going much more smoothly balancing the two bundles of joy and I'm finally feeling recovered (about 90%). Anyone who has more than one kid tells me that any "fun" you can have (i.e. finding a babysitter) is rough. But you know what, it's not too bad at all, especially now that almost three months has passed. You just have to work out more kinks than before, and when you know your kids are in good hands, everything is fine and dandy. And as for parenting, it's going much better than I anticipated - definitely thanks to this second child is such an easy going kiddo! It's true how any kids you have after the first one are usually a breeze, since you're more familiar with parenting, especially if the kids are close in age like with mine. He's sleeping through the night since he was six-weeks-old, gaining weight so fast (he's in the 90th percentile!), and he's already babbling up a storm.
Don't get me wrong - I'm constantly tired. I can't just sleep when the newborn sleeps (like I did with my firstborn) because I gotta tend to the toddler. Even when both are napping, it's only a short while until one or both wakes up so I can't really fit in a nap..sigh. I end up getting things done during their naps or staying up late to do things. Granted I do have those down moments more than I'd like, I overall enjoy life for what it's worth. I have been all over random message boards. They really do help me cope with whatever issues and oddly enough, I've found out that's all I really need - to know that I'm not the only one out there feeling this or that way. But hey, who am I kidding sometimes. I do miss pre-family life and feel resentment at times. That will never change. Sadly, that doesn't change much for any parent out there. So again, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I suck it up 24/7 though. And when I see one of the boys smiling, whatever negativity I'm feeling just goes out the window, even when I'm fuming mad.
Anyhoo, I don't know where to begin about actual going-ons since my last event post. I was so behind that I sort of gave up. That just makes me excited about finishing up posts that I said I would. Looking back, I noticed I never finished quite a few.
But first thing's first - the introduction! Please give a late blogspot welcome to Richmond, born election day 11/4/08 at 1pm via c-section. Funny how he was born election day and I introduce him today on inauguration day.

Of course, we can't forget his big brother. He's been a great big brother at that, not showing much jealousy at all and being as gentle as can be. Here's Preston, already 19 months old! How time sure does fly. Dontcha love his bear claws?

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