Discovery Green with My Four Boys
So, I'm gonna do a n0smoking and start blogging my gazillion photos. Nothing impressive like her's but I know she's my numero uno fan (and perhaps my only). Much love!
Some days I feel like yanking out my hair and screaming at the top of my lungs for hours on end. Some days are good, where I don't yell "No!" every five seconds and P isn't throwing something at me or wanting my every ounce of attention and R is sleeping during his scheduled naps (which is probably the only problem I get from him - he's so freakin' easy!). But 5% of the time, the 5% I cherish, the 5% I realize this is why I walk this earth, the 5% I'm content with all that I've sacrificed, I feel the cliche mama-hood love that childless people hear about and can only understand once they have children of their own.
I'm a usually mellow person, not often sentimental or bitter, but when it comes to blogging, I'm either gaggingly lovey dovey or exceptionally crabby. Today I'm definitely not the latter.
Anyway, so here we are at Discovery Green in Houston. I give it a thumbs up for design because it is definitely architecturally pleasing. For entertainment purposes, not so great (unless there's some event going on of course) - it's simply something to run around in for the kiddos and something to relax in for the people who don't have kiddos. But there are a few things to see.

^^This was one of the things to see, or should I say hear. You and someone else stand across from each other in each structure facing one another, then you carry a normal conversation (even whisper) and you can hear each other's voices crystal clearly!

^^Of course, when P sat across from you, all you hear is hysterical laughter or a form of Japanese/Arabic/Portuguese/(insert random language here) blabbing.

what a cute family! i love your pics ... omg .. i have preston's exact shirt! unfortunately, it's like a hundred times bigger ... keep up with the posts my dear ... see u thursday for lunch.
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