my bickerings and banterings

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mamadom: Slow down, lil buddy!

As I type this, my little ones are zonked out upstairs, breathing in darkness, internally waiting for the sun to come up so they can wreak havoc in the household all over again. I dread the moment they wake up because I'm usually in a dream state when I start hearing someone whine, cry, or banging on my bed wanting me to get up. The day then progresses, nonstop, dizzy with stress and balancing and multi-tasking.

But the moment bedtime routines are in process, I notice a calm wash over me, and a wave of love comes crashing in. And I realize I'm somewhat sad they're going to bed.

Despite the gazillion tantrums P threw today (over being jealous of baby because baby has apple juice and he has OJ, screaming for a snack rather than dinner, wanting to go outside in the rain) and despite baby R defying death everytime I turn my back on him (like being curious about the electrical outlets, clumsily climbing the stairs, clumsily climbing anything), I find myself missing them as soon as their little eyes close for the night.

I never thought I'd be at this stage. The newborn stage is such a crazy blur that many parents can't really enjoy themselves or this new tiny human. They get lost in this mess of no sleep and changing diapers. And now that our newborn is nearly a toddler, us parentals are enjoying the two boys for all they are - watching them interact, develop, grow. They have personalities and attitudes. Of course, the big (little) brother established his self a while back but with the arrival of the newbie, our focus shifted and it took until recently to finally balance our focus.

Finally. I realize why mothers long to be grandmothers and so forth. Holding a baby in your arms is priceless. For those who don't understand this or won't or can't ever cherish the wonderfulness of a babe, I'm sorry you are missing out or will miss out.

Babies simply grow up too fast. Their energy and constant movement never cease to amuse me. I always think to myself "slow down, lil buddies!" because they outgrow their clothes practically overnight. Then I end up yelling it anyway because P is speeding down the concrete sidewalk but I'm too late in grabbing him before he falls flat on his face. Well, that's where I come in, to comfort him as he cries "ouuuchh" among his tears.