my bickerings and banterings

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Late night update

Can't believe over a month has gone by since B has left. Things have been going a lot smoother than I expected, thanks to close friends and family. Without them, I would be a nightmare to be around and a train wreck myself. Without having to make excuses, it does get crazy. I miss being at home, with a schedule, and knowing what to expect throughout the day, but there is some comfort and even entertainment out of seeing the boys having so much fun with the people around them everyday, different people everyday. I'm exhausted as well as they are.

I miss daddy, of course, but I wonder if the kids do. I'm sure they are aware of his absence. They talk to him on the phone. If the webcam or phone rings, they think it's him. If I give them the phone to talk to, they talk to it like it's him on the other end, even if it's grandma or auntie or whoever. Very endearing.

The "baby" is growing right before my eyes right along with big brother. Baby R talks up a storm, conjuring up words and repeating all we say as best he could. His walking hasn't improved by much; he's still walking like a drunk..haha..but definitely not falling as much. As for big bro, he has quite a mouth on him and repeats us exactly, with the exact tone and all. So yes, we have to be careful what we say around him! They can't be anymore opposite. R is the laid-back, observant, quiet one, and eats and sleeps like no other! P is the high-strung, easily-frustrated, talkative one, and doesn't eat or sleep like no other! But they play and fight like the best of brothers. Very endearing.

Good night all!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Family-ar: I get it now, Mom.

What is your relationship with your mother? Is it the same or different after having children of your own? If you don't have children yet, do you notice your relationship has grown over the years or has it dwindled away?

I have to say that with children of my own, I let things slide readily when it comes to my mother. We had this love/hate thing going on, but the hate part just comes up amongst our love. What child doesn't go through that for a bit with their parents at some point(s) in their life? My theory is why add more unnecessary stress unto myself when there is plenty of stress instilled by my own kiddos already. As I become older and my mothering becomes more of who I am, I appreciate my mother even more.

This life-changing bond and my understanding of my mother (and mother-in-law) has dramatically solidified. Their hardships and what went through their minds every decision and step they made while raising children seems that much more significant. I feel so fortunate to be so close (distance-wise too) to my children's grandmothers these days.

^^Mom-in-law with R, 10 mo

^^Mom-in-law with P, 1.5 yo

^^Mom with R, 6 mo

^^Mom with P, 2.5 yo

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Reminiscent on Easter Day

I really really REALLY..did I mention really..miss my SLR camera. Let's just say a certain terrible someone, who remains at large, decided to take advantage of people who work hard for their money. Sad. As they say, photographs are as good as the photographer. And just as I was attempting to achieve alright, not even good, the SLR gets taken from right under my nose. But now, I'm learning to master my point-and-shoot. Well, I'm pretty impressed with it's abilities!

Since we got our SLR, I've put aside my nifty point-and-shoot aside just for what it is, point and shoot..oh yeah, and for filming some decent enough quality videos that I could make into mini movies. Don't underestimate the power of a mini cam. The little ones can be monsters, too. Just take my boy Preston's word for it.

Easter day. Another failed attempt at taking them to church. Yes, we try to take them, but alas, they can only last at max half the service. Plus, we're listening to the boys preach more than anyone in the room - even in the child's room. You get my drift. This day was funny though. We got front row since it was the only available seating in the house. Preston was somewhat enthralled by being so up close to all the action that he even danced during all the hymns. Mind you, hymns have no beat whatsoever but he managed to find one and dance like nobody's watching. Except everyone was. And quite a bit found it entertaining. As did we. As for R, he was being entertained running outside with Ama (Grandma in Chinese) outside. We eventually gave up controlling the rockstar P inside, so we headed outside with R as well to give into the boys' immense need to run amuck.

Notice there isn't a photo of P by himself. He's extremely hard to photograph. If any amateur photographer is interested in taking up the challenge of photographing this active toddler, I'd be more than glad to let him or her!