New year, new start
I say it every time...I can't believe how quickly time goes by between my posts. Phew!
The holidays happened in a blink of an eye literally. Thanksgiving was blessed with a visit from my sister-in-law and her family. Christmas was enjoyed with my family as well as my in laws. We vacationed in San Antonio for New Years with just us and the boys.
Hubby's birthday early January had a multitude of things to celebrate it - dinner with his family, dinner with just us and the boys, and then to top it off, an 80's themed bash at our new crib! (No pun intended.)
Hubby and I had an unexpected night without the kiddos when we went to a wedding for one of my friends at the end of January. My boys wanted to stay home so my parents graciously babysat while we were able to relax with familiar faces. What a much-needed breather! I think the last time we didn't have the kids was when I was prego several months ago! Yes, we need more alone time it seems..haha.
Hello, February. My birthday, our anniversary, passed by last week filled with close family time, which was all I asked for. My mother-in-law, bless her, spent the weekend at our place so hubby and I can enjoy a night out Saturday and the out again to watch the Superbowl on Sunday. Date night was accomplished on Monday with my mother babysitting. Holy guacamole...THREE consecutive days without kids??! SCORE!! Best birthday present EVAR!!
Then come Wednesday, my bestie n0smoking and her other half took my family and me out for a late bday dinner. She topped it off with a box of macaroons...simply DELISH...dinner and the dessert. Thank you!
Needless to say, I feel so blessed and loved. And shout out to my other bestie Soapie for snail mailing the gift and bday card.
Love you all to pieces! I'm so grateful for you all and the ones who found time to message and call me and even for the ones who didn't contact me at all but are in my life.
I felt refreshed, ready to conquer all sibling fights, tantrums, dirty diapers, sleepless nights, and school events this week, thanks to my loved ones!
Note to current and future moms: Please find time without kids..I know some of you say you could handle them all the doubt you can..but really, it's so much more productive without them sometimes! Love them to pieces but I can't have someone tugging on my leg when I'm doing something simple like trying to make an important phone call.
There I go again blogging without breathing, but mind you, this writing is mostly so I can keep up with myself. I made a promise to myself for the new year I'd be more organized with my thoughts, memories, pictures, way of speaking (I tend to be too blunt!), and health for myself and family. A chapter of my life feels suddenly complete with having my last child, living in our new home, my kids starting their new school in a district where they will grow up with new friends they'll possibly have for a lifetime, and me starting a new, more clear chapter on my life filled with completing goals I never could have while birthing children.
New year, new start to this new chapter.